Each Stage takes just one Session, about 1 Hour/50 min duration. Can exist more 3 or 4 sessions -Modules, in one Stage, if anyone wants to learn or earn more money with the work developed as a Training Assistant, Training Manager or Cultural Intelligence Event Assistant. Total duration of training/ Mini course about 24 H.

All people, at the starting time, work as a Part-time Job, and can earn from 110 Eurs to 963 Eurs depending in how many sessions are working on.
We can accept people of all grades or studies. Is necessary to have 17 years old or more and any grade of scholar studies are acceptable. We will be happy, and with preference for candidates have knowledge of two Languages, of a second language, at basic level, intermediate or advanced, or techologies skills - Not Mandatory.

Preferencial Skills:
- Knowledge of Language Skills: English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.
- Tech Skills - Competences managing Technologies - MS DOS, Internet, A.I - Artificial Intelligence.
- Experience as a Trainer or Manager.
- Experience as a Event Assistant or Training Assistant.
- Knowledges of Nutrition, Cooking.
- Knowledges of Fitness.
- Experience managing Teams.

The Co-WELLS2SUCCESS Program is a two parts action program, with Learning and Work dimension, developed with Hibrid Sessions, all sessions will be Online and in site - face to face, in England, Portugal and Spain.
The Co-WELLS2SUCCESS Program all Assistants, Trainers or Projet Managers will receive at the last Business day fof work.

Payments will be by Bank Transfer.

1- People can access as candidate with 17 years old or more.
2- Must send his/ she Cv to us with personal, academic and work experience.
3- All people can acces - Even people from abroad, are waiting for document or residence authorization.
4- The evaluation process consists in CV- Curiiculum evaluation and 1 Interview.
5- Time to send CV- Curriculum in our website, till 07JA2025.
6- All people must indicate in the CV- Curriculum or Cover Letter, how many languages speak and from what cultures have living, study or have work experience.