Our Mindful Global Team and Co-WELLS4SUCCESS Program
In MindfulgloTeam, we develop our innovative Co-WellS4Success Program to learn how to use your 9 Strategic Intelligences and A.I Tools Training to work Successfully through our Nine Global Cultures and work Groups: 1.Europe-Asia group; 2.Europe-Americas group; 3.Euro-Ibero America Cultures group; 4.Euro-Africa group; 5.Europe-BRICS group; 6-Euro-Lusophonie; 7.Euro-Nordics group; 8. Europe-; 9.Euro-Asian Tigers group.
Discover the Nine Strategic Intelligence Competences We need to Compete in our new Global world. Join our Co-Work WELLS4Success Program and work with Us, with The Power of Nine Strategic Intelligences & Knowledges... 1- Emotional Intelligence 2- A.I Artificial Intelligence 3- Creative Intelligence 4-Linguistic Global Intelligence 5- Strategic Analytical Intelligence 6- Naturalistic Global Intelligence 7- Wellness Pratical Intelligence 8- Team Interpersonal Intelligence 9- MindfulGlobal Intelligence